Tomlinson Gender Reveal
I have yet to post about a wedding on our new blog, but trust me... they are coming! I've just been so fortunate to have SO much life squeezed in between my crazy wedding schedule this winter, that I can't help but share some of it with all of you!
Micah and I were honored to host a gender reveal party for my best friend since middle school and her husband, with two of her best friends from college, Cobie and Natalie, at our home on Valentine's day. It was honestly one of my most favorite Valentine's days, getting to spend it with our close friends and Katy and Will's familes.
After talking with Katy and setting the date of the party, Cobie and I worked on the theme, "Bundle of Love." Cobie's husband, Taylor, designed the invitations and I took care of coordinating the special details! She and Natalie took care of the menu! I ordered heart shaped clear balloons that were filled with a variety of pink and peach confetti, blue and mint green confetti, and the others were filled with metallic silver and gold confetti. Those were sprinkled and tied in clusters all through out at different stations. Katy's grandmother owns Flowers by Mary here in Brandon so she worked up some beautiful arrangements for us to use around the house. For our "guest registry," we had a canvas with a heart shape drawn on it for guests of the party to leave their fingerprints within the shape. Everyone at the party was someone that will play a role (leave a fingerprint!) in sweet baby T's life, and we wanted let everyone have a part in this artwork that will eventually hang in the nursery! There was a guessing game with questions to fill in on the gender of the baby. And, then we had the true guessing game where we divided sides and team girl stood on one side while team boy stood on the other side of the yard during the reveal. Most of us were wrong- FYI!
Katy and Will decided they wanted to find out during the sonogram appointment the gender of baby T and surprise all of us at the party. That was fun. I would totally recommend that to everyone I know-- they truly got to bask in the gender of their baby, let it soak in, and enjoy the moment for a few days before telling all of us and being bombarded with "what's the name?" and a thousand other questions! Will is an avid hunter with a master's degree in Wildlife Management. He was determined to use his bow in some way during the reveal. So, Katy, Will, and I formulated a plan that they would fill a balloon with the correct paint color and let it splatter when his bow hit it. He missed the first time and we all laughed.
The second time, we all screamed in excitement because baby T is a ....

Annnd, here comes Katy pushing a baby carriage!!!
She might hurt me for this one, but she is going to be the BEST momma to Miss Hannah Grace!!!

We got carried away in the excitement and forgot to get some of the detail shots, but the names of our foods were some of my favorite details, the two of them shown are: "Baby Cereal" for white rotel cheese dip, and "Bundles of Joy" for chocolate covered pretzels. Enjoy a few detail photos here: